Undergraduate Advising for Feminist Studies

Advisor: Anne Eickelberg 

Zoom drop-in is quick and easy - no need to prepare, just pop in with questions!  

CLICK HERE to enter waiting room   


          Want a private zoom appointment outside of drop-in office hours?  CLICK HERE TO SELECT AN APPOINTMENT TIME.

After you make an appointment I will email you a zoom link (typically within a few hours).
The zoom link will also be on your google calendar. 

Not declared or proposed FMST yet? Select either "Exploring a Major/Minor"; "Declare or Qualify"; or "Declaring/Adding/Changing a Major/Minor" from the appointment system dropdown menu to see my available times.


If you just have a quick question, email FMST Undergraduate Advisor Anne Eickelberg at aeickelb@ucsc.edu