Join us as we celebrate the publication of Professor Madhavi Murty's new book: Stories that Bind: Political Economy and Culture in New India (Rutgers University Press, May 2022). Madhavi will be joined in discussion by FMST Prof. Gina Dent.
Stories that Bind examines the assertion of authoritarian nationalism and neoliberalism backed by the authority of the state, and argues that contemporary India should be understood as the intersection of the two. Through its focus on India and its complex media landscape, the book reveals that this intersection has a narrative form, which Prof. Murty labels “spectacular realism.” Studying stories told through film, journalism, and popular non-fiction, Murty argues that Hindu nationalism and neo-liberalism are conjoined, and that consent for this political economic project is crucially won in the domain of popular culture.
Wed, May 18 @ 3pm
View the talk on the FMST YouTube channel.