FMST Alumni Weekend Events

March 19, 2013

Please join us for Alumni Weekend on April 26-28. 
FMST Reception, Presentation, and Faculty Panel on Saturday, April 27, 2:00-6:00pm in 210 Humanities 1.

FMST Alumni Weekend Events on Saturday, April 27

2:00 pm: Reception with former WMST/FMST classmates and faculty. 

3:00 pm: Brenda Shaughnessy, Class of 1993 WMST/LIT, will present a talk entitled:  Feminism & Poetry, Empowerment & Passion.  Brenda is an award winning Poet who teaches Creative Writing and Asian American Studies at Rutgers, Newark.  Link to current bio at the FMST website

4:30 pm: Feminist Studies Faculty Panel on "The Vibrant State of the FMST Department" re: the launching of the Feminist Studies Graduate Program, the UC Presidential Chair in Feminist Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, current curriculum, faculty research, etc.

For more Alumni Weekend Events, visit the website: