Dana Linda
Class of 2007
Feminist Studies and Modern Literature, 2007
This Spring Dana will complete her third year of graduate study in the Department of Comparative Literature at UCLA, with a designated concentration in Women's Studies. Her research advocates for increased comparative study between literary and cultural fields of confinement in the Americas. Her areas of interest also particularly focus on indigenous studies and African diaspora studies in the Caribbean. For the 2012-2013 academic year, Dana was awarded a research license and grant on behalf of UC-CUBA to conduct preliminary archival and fieldwork in Havana.
Before entering the PhD program in 2009, she worked in Oakland, California as a Research Associate at the National Council on Crime and Delinquency and Legal Advocate at Justice Now, in which she advocated for people across youth and adult facilities in the California prison system.
e-mail: dana.m.linda@ucla.edu
website: http://www.complit.ucla.edu/people/grads/danamlinda/