Beth Lilach
Class of 1989
Beth Lilach is the Senior Director of Education and Community Affairs at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center located on Long Island, New York. She supervises education programs for youth, adults, and conducts professional development seminars for law enforcement, military personnel, physicians, university faculty, attorneys, and health care workers. She is on the Steering Committees of the Nassau County Task Force on Bias Crimes, the Suffolk County Middle School Human Rights Day, and Long Island Wins, an immigrant rights organization. In addition to her executive and pedagogical responsibilities, Beth oversees her Center’s artifact archive, museum, special exhibit gallery, and diverse public events.
In addition to Holocaust history, Beth’s research areas include: Comparative Genocide; Imperialism and Genocide in Southwestern Africa; Eugenics and Ethics; European Antisemitism; Human Rights Education; Jewish History; and historical and current Slavery.
Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center
Welwyn Preserve
100 Crescent Beach Road
Glen Cove, NY 11542 USA
Phone: 516.571.8040 x 105