Faculty Directory

Emine Hande Tuna
  • Pronouns they, them, their, theirs, themself
  • Title
    • Assistant Professor
  • Division Humanities Division
  • Department
    • Philosophy Department
  • Affiliations Feminist Studies Department
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Cowell College Faculty Office Addition, 110
  • Mail Stop Philosophy
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Aesthetics, Ethics, Feminist Theory
  • Courses PHIL 11 - Introduction to Philosophy; PHIL 17 - Feminist Philosophy; PHIL 111 - Continental Philosophy; PHIL 110 - Existentialism; PHIL 147 - Topics in Feminist Philosophy; PHIL 190 - Senior Seminar: Art Criticism and Value; PHIL 190 - Senior Seminar: Early Modern Women on Education, Liberty, Virtue, and Happiness; PHIL 232 - Advanced Topics in Value Theory: Philosophy and Fiction; PHIL 290 - Grad Seminar - Major Figures in the History of Philosophy: Early Modern Women Philosophers; PHIL 290 - Grad Seminar - Major Figures in the History of Philosophy: 18th Century Aesthetics

Summary of Expertise

Kant, Aesthetics, Moral Psychology, and Early Modern Philosophy

Biography, Education and Training

Prior to arriving in Santa Cruz, I was at Brown doing postdoctoral research funded by SSHRC. I have received my PhD from the University of Alberta. I work on contemporary issues in value theory, in particular moral psychology and aesthetics, and on the history of these fields.

Selected Publications

  • “Recovering Fictional Content and Emotional Engagements with Fiction,” Analysis, forthcoming.
  • “Hume and Kant on Imaginative Resistance,” European Journal of Philosophy, 2024: 1-11. LINK
  • “Apt Perception, Aesthetic Engagement, and Curatorial Practices” with Octavian Ion, Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics LXI/XVII, no. 1 (2024): 38-53. LINK
  • "Imaginative Resistance," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2020). LINK
  • “Self-Standing Beauty: Tracing Kant's Views on Purpose-Based Beauty,” Southwest Philosophy Review 35:1 (2019): 7-16. LINK
  • “Kant on Informed Pure Judgments of Taste,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76:2 (2018): 163-174. LINK
  • “Why didn't Kant Think Highly of Music?,” in Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses 2015, eds. Violetta L. Waibel and Margit Ruffing. (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), 3141-3148. LINK
  • “A Kantian Hybrid Theory of Art Criticism: A Particularist Appeal to the Generalists,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74:4 (2016): 397-411. LINK
  • “The UnDerridization of Nancy: Tracing the Transformations in Nancy's Idea of Community,” Journal for Cultural Research 18:3 (2014): 263-272. LINK